47 Series Pulley with Bearing

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MCT 47 Series Pulley with Bearing offers the highest quality, most precise and highest degree of accuracy in a bearing. These pulleys are ideal for drive and pulley systems. Shielded Ball Bearings can be offered in styles from economical to precision. Extended inner races can be offered at an additional cost. For more information on Pulley construction, Please reference the page Pulley Construction
PART NUMBER CABLE DIA. C BORE + - .0005 A + - .015 B + - .012 D + - .005 E F R
47-032-125 (E) 1/32 0.125 0.500 0.436 0.125 0.141 N/A (.172) 0.018
47-047-125 (E) 3/64 0.125 0.500 0.436 0.125 0.141 N/A (.172) 0.026
47-032-188 (E) 1/32 0.188 0.625 0.500 0.125 0.125 N/A (.156) 0.018
47-047-188 (E) 3/64 0.188 0.625 0.500 0.125 0.125 N/A (.156) 0.026
47-047-188 (E) 3/64 0.188 0.750 0.625 0.156 0.196 N/A (.227) 0.026
47-047-250 (E) 3/64 0.250 1.070 0.875 0.219 0.250 N/A 0.026
47-063-188 (E) 1/16 0.188 1.250 1.062 0.219 0.250 N/A 0.038
47-063-250 (E) 1/16 0.250 1.500 1.250 0.281 0.281 N/A 0.038
47-093-250 (E) 3/32 0.250 1.500 1.250 0.281 0.281 N/A 0.054
47-125-313 (E) 1/8 0.313 1.750 1.375 0.281 0.281 N/A 0.065
For additional sizes and materials contact MCT Customer Service.


1. (E) — Extended Inner Race 2. All pulleys are machined. 3. Large quantities can be injection molded. 4. Material: Delrin. Where there is an N/A (Not Applicable), there is no extended Inner Race.

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